Grozer Assyrian biocomposite G/524


Draw-weight range: 30-65 pounds.



Assyrian recurve bow

Length between siyahs: 52″

Brace height: 8″ Maximum draw length: 33″

According to master bowyer Grózer, this is one of his best bows ever made. It has got a triangular shape at the handle when it is not bended. Towards the end of the limbs it is gradually reflexed. The rigid tips are made of ash wood with a groove guide. Very smooth, extremely efficient (speed/weight ratio) bow. The Grózer biocomposite series is our most exclusive line of models. The wooden core is strengthened by layers of pressed sinew and horn. This bow looks and handles very much like the original composite bows did thousands of years ago.

Grozer Csaba Bowyer master:

Users instructions

When stringing the bow, the lower end of it mustn’t touch the ground and the upper end must be held and pressed under the bezel. The middle of the hilt should lean up on the inside part of the thigh, while the lower end of the bow above the bezel should lean up on the outside of your lower leg.
Before using set the string in the middle of the siyahs.
In the course of using the bow keep that part upwards where you can see the name Grózer.

NEVER shoot an arrow straight up into the air. Don’t draw back and release the string without any arrows.

NEVER lean on the bow when drawn. After use, take the string off. After exteneded use the string may get thready and need waxing.
When waxing, pull the wax onto the string with fast motions.

NEVER leave a drawn bow in direct hot sun or in a car that’s in a hot sun.
If the bow gets very hot (e.g. having been carried in a car in summer) always wait until it cools down before stringing.

NEVER draw the bow over the maximum draw length given above.