Traditional hand-painted Turkish horn bow G/010


100% natural.The core of bow is joined together of assorted kinds of wood.

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The real thing

The core of bow is joined together of assorted kinds of wood. The inside (that is on the archer’s side) is made of water buffalo horn plating. The outside is made of tendon strings and fish bladder-glue layered and shrunk onto the bow. The handle and tips are stiffened with horn and strengthened at the joinings with hemp bandage.

When it comes to authenticity, this thing comes as close to the original as ever possible.

The Grozer bows have the best quality of our products. This design comes from the 10th century and based on archeological grave-findings. They have a very special design (see pictures), and when the string is not on the bow they form a real “C”, which will be bent in the other direction, and this provides quite dynamic attributes for theese bows.

Grózer Turkish horn bow


This bow was meticulously hand-painted with traditiona Turkish (Ottoman) motifs. Both the pattern and the colors are original.


Grózer Turkish horn bow    Grózer Turkish horn bow

Technical facts:

Draw weight: 55 Lbs.
Maximum draw length: 31″
Total length: 51 1/2″
Length between siyahs: 34 1/2″
Length strung: 44 1/2″
Brace height: 8″

Grózer Turkish horn bow   Grózer Turkish horn bow

Csaba Grozer Users instructions

When stringing the bow, the lower end of it mustn’t touch the ground and the upper end must be held and pressed under the bezel. The middle of the hilt should lean up on the inside part of the thigh, while the lower end of the bow above the bezel should lean up on the outside of your lower leg.
Before using set the string in the middle of the siyahs.
In the course of using the bow keep that part upwards where you can see the name Grózer.


Grózer Turkish horn bow    Grózer Turkish horn bow


Please see our instructional video how to brace it, featuring master Grozer himself:

Grózer Turkish horn bow     Grózer Turkish horn bow