Traditional Hungarian recurve bow TI/169


These bows are custom manufactured so you can choose color and draw weight between 20 and 65 Lbs.

SKU: TI/169 Category:


The bows are composite bows. They consist of 3 main parts:
The 2 end-parts, which are made out of wood (normally we use ash, cherry and pear) the hilt and the reflex-curves, which are made out of fibreglass covered by cow-leather.
The string is made out of dacron-which is a streatchable plastic, and we use cevlarfor the string bandage. At the hilt, they have a wooden plate, to make the bows surface smoother for the arrow.

Technical facts:
Draw-weight range: 25 – 65 pounds
Draw length range: 28 inches – 32 inches

Hungarian bow

The archers opinion:

The bows are very good sport and hunting bows. They can be used even for competitions, but to tell the truth, they are a bit slower, than the top competitions bows. They are quite reliable.
Suggestion for draw-weight selections:

– for target-shooting, we suggest weaker ones (up to 45 pounds / 28 inches)

– for hunting, we suggest stronger ones (from 45 pounds / 28 inches).

Please feel free to inquire about these products. There are more color options than you can see pictured.. Hungarian bow  Hungarian bow