Traditional Hungarian nomad recurve bow G/330


The C-shaped and composite bows should be strung crouching, the bow pressed to the knees.

SKU: G/330 Category:




Length of the string: 128,5 cm
Maximum draw length: 32″
Possible draw weight: 30-65#

Nomad Traditional Hungarian Recurve Bow

Slightly ‘C’ shaped bow, it tells everything about itself both when it is drawn and not drawn.
Most of the people think that this is the real Hungarian bow shape.
The outer and inner side of the limbs are both covered in leather, hemmed at both edges.
We use fine, thin leather in brown colours.
The handle and the siyahs are strengthened by horn plates.
The rigid tips are usually reddish brown. We use hemp fibre, impregnated in a natural material.
The horn plate of the handle can be made with an engraved decoration for an extra charge.
It can be drawn very smoothly and long. It is very stable and without any resonance during shooting.

The Grozer bows have the best quality of our products.It’s a great feeling to draw this bow. The string feels tight, and pulled past a certain point it feels like it has a give to it. The bow can be drawn up to 35″ without any problem, but it also works at 32 “.

Grozer Csaba Bowyer master:

Users instructions

When stringing the bow, the lower end of it mustn’t touch the ground and the upper end must be held and pressed under the bezel. The middle of the hilt should lean up on the inside part of the thigh, while the lower end of the bow above the bezel should lean up on the outside of your lower leg.
Before using set the string in the middle of the siyahs.
In the course of using the bow keep that part upwards where you can see the name Grozer.

The C-shaped and composite bows should be strung crouching, the bow pressed to the knees.

Before using set the string in the middle of the siyahs. If the siyahs twisted during the stringing of the bow, they have to be set to the middle as well by twisting it to the opposite direction.

If the C-shaped bows are strung improperly its assymetry can be too much, so it should be twisted to the other direction to get the appropriate assymetry of the limbs. (especially with the TRH and composite bows)


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