
total length: 53”
length between siyahs: 37 ½”
length strung: 47 ½”
max. draw length: 32”
brace height: 7 ¾”
Biocomposite technology.
Actually, it combines the laminated, the TRH laminated, the TRH Extra II laminated bows.
And to some extent the extra III bows as well. The bows made by this technology consist of the following materials: the middle layers of wood, the inner layer of pressed horn, and the outer layer of pressed sinew plate. These two layers are glued to the wooden plate with modern glue and the glued layer gets a fibre strengthening.
Due to these biocomposite materials and modern technology, these bows are faster than the simple laminated bows. They are appreciably soft and without any resonance when drawing.
These bows give almost the same shooting experience as a horn bow and even their appearance is similar, although the biocomposite bows are flatter.

This bow has got a real C shape when it is unstrung. Quite short but can be drawn further than 30″. The base of the bow is wood, the outer layer is an amber coloured, half-transparent pressed sinew layer.
The inner side pressed horn in greyish-white, stained colour. Only the very end of the siyahs is rigid.
Dynamic, excitable, small bow, but it can be drawn even with a three-finger release.

Grozer Csaba Bowyer master:
Users instructions
When stringing the bow, the lower end of it mustn’t touch the ground and the upper end must be held and pressed under the bezel. The middle of the hilt should lean up on the inside part of the thigh, while the lower end of the bow above the bezel should lean up on the outside of your lower leg.
Before using set the string in the middle of the siyahs.
In the course of using the bow keep that part upwards where you can see the name Grozer.
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